Visit Yuanyang by Bus from Kunming, Hekou, Jianshui

Yuanyang (元阳)

How to Get to Yuanyang

There are bus service connecting Yuanyang with Kunming, Jianshui, Gejiu, Hekou, Mengzi, Jinghong, etc. Some of these bus will stop at Nansha Bus Station and some at Xinjie Bus Station, the two bus station in Yuanyang. If you are heading to the rice terrraces, Xinjie Bus Station which is more close to the scenic spot should be your final stop. If your bus arrive at Nansha Bus Station, just switch to a minivan (10 yuan, 7:00 – 20:00) or a taxi (20 yuan) to get to Xinjie town, and the bus journey time from Nansha to Xinjie is about 1 hour, and about 40 minutes from Xinjie to Nansha. For any details, see below.

Yuanyang Rice Terraces
Rice Terraces Field

Nansha Bus Station

Nansha bus station
Nansha Bus Staton, 元阳南沙汽车客运站
From – To Departure Ticket Fare (CNY) Travel Time
Yuanyang Nansha to Kunming South 10:00, 14:00, 20:00 123 5 – 6 hrs
Yuanyang Nansha to Hekou 9:30,11:30 46 4.5 hrs
Yuanyang Nansha to Jianshui 7:10 – 18:40, departure every 20 mins 30 2.5 hrs
Yuanyang Nansha to Mengzi 9:35, 15:15 33 2 hrs
Yuanyang Nansha to Gejiu 7:40 – 18:45 19 1
Yuanyang Nansha to Jinghong 16:00 155 7
Bus timetables, prices & durations are subject to changes

Xinjie Bus Station

xinjie bus station
Xinjie Bus Station in Yuanyang
From – To Departure Ticket Fare (CNY) Travel Time
Yuanyang Xinjie to Kunming South 9:05, 12:30, 18:30 140 6-6.5 hrs
Yuanyang Xinjie to Hekou 7:30, 10:10, 11:00, 11:30 58 6 hrs
Yuanyang Xinjie to Jianshui 16:30 43 3.5 hrs
Yuanyang Xinjie to Mengzi 8:10, 12:00 43 3 hrs
Yuanyang Xinjie to Gejiu 14 departures (8:50 – 16:00) 30 2 hrs
Yuanyang Xinjie to Shengcun 10 departures (10:30 – 16:00)
Bus timetables, prices & durations are subject to changes

Kunming to Yuanyang for Rice Terraces

The distance between Kunming and Yuanyang is about 322 km. Usually, you have the 3 ways to travel from Kunming to Yuanyang: by direct bus, via Jianshui (建水) or via Gejiu (个旧). See options below:

1. Kunming to Yuanyang by Direct Bus

The buses from Kunming to Yuanyang depart from Kunming South Bus Station (昆明南部汽车站) running three times a day relatively at 10:20, 12:30, 19:00, and the ticket costs 139 yuan and journey time is 6 – 7 hours.

2. Kunming to Yuanyang via Jianshui by Bus

Jianshui would be an good intermediate stop while making your way from Kunming to Yuanyang. There are many bus to Jianshui from Kunming. First, take a bus from Kunming South Bus Station to Jianshui (60 – 83yuan, journey time 3 hours) then you can stay there for a day or so or continue to Yuanyang by bus (30 yuan & 2 hours).

3. Kunming to Yuanyang via Gejiu by Bus

As the buses from Kunming to Yuanyang are limited, you can go from Kunming to Gejiu by bus first (92 – 102 yuan), then a bus from Gejiu (个旧) to Yuanyang. You will have more bus options on this route. First, take a bus from Kunming East Bus Station (昆明东部汽车站) to Gejiu, then a bus from Gejiu to Yuanyang.

Hekou to Yuanyang

If you come from Hekou to Yuanyang, you can take the bus from Hekou Passenger Transport Station (Hekou Bus Station) to Yuanyang, which runs twice a day at 06:00 and 09:10. The travel time is 4.5 hours and ticket fare is 46 yuan. For those who come from Vietnam into Hekou and plan to visit Yuanyang, you’d better take your passport and visa with you.

Other Useful Resources

Kunming South Railway Station, Kunming to Lijiang

Trusted Online Ticket Agents:

Option 1: China Highlights is a reliable online agency  for China train ticketing. They get positive reviews on TripAdvisor & Trustpilot. Sharon and her team help you buy tickets & plan rail routes even deliver tickets to your hotels with a service fee.

Option 2:  is an internatioal brand owned by Ctrip Group, China's largest online travel booking platform. offers booking service for flight, train, hotel, activities, etc

3 Replies to “Visit Yuanyang by Bus from Kunming, Hekou, Jianshui”

  1. Hi! I was wondering if i want to do a nonstop journey from Kunming to Yuan Yang XinJie how long will it take by the routes via JianShui and Gejiu?
    Thank you so much your website is very helpful 🙂

    • Hi, thanks.
      From the information I got online, here are the information for you:
      1. Jianshui to Yuanyang: most of the buses from Jianshui to Yuanyang arrives at Nansha bus station, only the bus which departs at 11:30 will arrive at Xinjie bus station. CNY30 to Nansha, CNY43 to Xinjie, journey time 2.5 – 3 hours.
      2. Gejiu to Yuanyang: From Gejiu to Yuanyang Xinjie, bus journey time: about 1 hour.

      For bus from Kunming to Jianshui and Gejiu, you can refer to this page:
      Good luck.

  2. Hi Thanks a lot for your blog. Really useful (I was looking for a night bus from Yuanyang To Kunming)
    When travelling from Chengdu To Emeishan, I’d like to make a stop to see the Bouddha at Leshan.
    Do you know at what time is the last bus from Leshan to Emeishan?
    Is there a left-luggage at the Leshan bus station, to leave our big rucksack while being at the Bouddha?
    Thanks you for your help

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