Xian – Chongqing by High Speed Train


Now you have 3 ways to travel between Xian in Shannxi Province and Chongqing Municipality City: by flight, high speed train or overnight train.

xian chengdu chongqing high speed rail map
You can travel between Xian North & Chongqing North by direct high speed trains, or making a transfer at Chengdu East Station

Xian – Chongqing by Direct High Speed Train, 2 Trains Daily

Now, it’s been available to travel between Xi’an and Chongqing by high speed train since December 6 off 2017, when the Xian – Chengdu High Speed Rail started operation, which links Xian North Station, Chengdu East Station and Chongqing North Station by D type high speed trains.

From Xian to Chongqing: Two daily direct D type high speed trains D4283 & D4287 leave from Xian North Station (Xian Bei) and arrive at Chongqing North Station (Chongqing Bei), takig about 5 hours & 10minutes & the fare is from 279.5 for a 2nd class seat.

From Chongqing to Xian: There are 2 daily direct D bullet trains (D4281 & D4285) running from Chongqing North Station to Xian North Station.

Xian – Chongqing Direct High Speed Train (2 daily)
Train Type From – To Frequency First-Last Duration Ticket Fares (CNY)
2nd Cls 1st Cls Biz Cls
D train Xian North to Chongqing North 2 daily 10:00-14:12 5h10 279.5 439.5
D train Chongqing North to Xian North 2 daily 08:20-13:42 5h25 279.5 439.5
For a live schedule & ticket availability, please refer to http://www.chinahighlights.com/china-trains/
  • Station used in Xian: Xian North (Xian Bei)
  • Station used in Chongqing: Chongqing North (Chongqing Bei)
  • Station used in Chengdu:: Chengdu East (Chengdu Dong)

Xian – Chongqing via Chengdu by Bullet Train, 6+ Trains Daily

Since there are only 2 direct D trains running between Xian and Chongqing. Chance are that the D trains are limited and tickets can be sold out, and sometimes you may probably miss your train. Then here comes the solution – making a transfer at Chengdu.

By making a transfer at Chengdu East Station (Xian North – Chengdu East – Chongqing North), you will have more train options. It has 6 daily D bullet trains linking Xian North & Chengdu East, and 45 daily D and G type high speed trains linking Chengdu East & Chongqing North.

See Xian – Chengdu high speed train

Xian – Chengdu – Chongqing High Speed Train
Train Type From – To Frequency First-Last Duration Ticket Fares (CNY)
2nd Clsr 1st Cls Biz Cls
D train Xian North – Chengdu East 6 daily 08:22-12:53 4h25 263 397
G & D train Chengdu East to Chongqing North 45 daily 06:44-21:40 1h40-2h20 96.5 116 289.5
For a live schedule & ticket availability, please refer to http://www.chinahighlights.com/china-trains/

Trusted Online Ticket Agents:

Option 1: China Highlights is a reliable online agency  for China train ticketing. They get positive reviews on TripAdvisor & Trustpilot. Sharon and her team help you buy tickets & plan rail routes even deliver tickets to your hotels with a service fee.

Option 2: Trip.com  is an internatioal brand owned by Ctrip Group, China's largest online travel booking platform. Trip.com offers booking service for flight, train, hotel, activities, etc

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