Guangzhou – Foshan by high speed train, bus or metro

Guangzhou – Foshan

How to Travel between Guangzhou & Foshan

In this page, you will learn how to travel between Guangzhou and Foshan by high speed train or regular train, or subway, or how to get to Lecong Furniture Market from Guangzhou, and how to get from Foshan to Guangzhou Airport by bus. Just ask Jack if you have any questions.

How far is Foshan from Guangzhou : Guangzhou is very close to Foshan with just a distance of 30 kilometers.

Ask Jack

If you have any questions on your Guangzhou – Foshan or Shunde train travel, just ask Jack. I’d love to offer my help. Contact Jack.

Train Station Map of Guangzhou & Foshan

1: By high speed train

1: Guangzhou – Foshan by High Speed Train

Guangzhou – Foshan by high speed train
Trains From – To Frequency Duration Ticket Fares (CNY)
2nd Cls 1st Cls Biz Cls
G, D, C trains Guangzhou South – Foshan West 74 19m 12 20
G, D, C trains Guangzhou – Foshan West 15 21m 20 32
G, D, C trains Foshan West – Guangzhou South 94 20m 10 16
G, D, C trains Foshan West – Guangzhou 8 23m 20 32
For a live schedule, please refer to China Highlights or China DIY Travel (Promo code: ct123)

There are frequent high speed trains linking Guangzhou and Foshan. Most of them are using Guangzhou South Railway Station and Foshan West Railway Station, with just a few (15 trains daily) using the central Guangzhou Railway Station. All of them are arriving at Foshan West Railway Station.

From Guangzhou: Over 70 D or G category high speed trains to Foshan are departing from Guangzhou South Railway Station, which is a bit far from city center. However, you can also go from the centrally-located Guangzhou Railway Station, which has 15 C or D category high speed trains to Foshan West Station. The travel times are nearly the same.

From Foshan: All of the high speed trains are departing from Foshan West Station, and most of them arrive at Guangzhou South Railway Station with a few arriving at Guangzhou Railway Station near city center.

  • Guangzhou South Railway Station (GuangzhouNan) is connected to line 2 and?line 7 of Guangzhou metro network. You can use? to plan your journey.
  • Guangzhou Railway Station (Guangzhou) is connected to Guangzhou metro line 2 and line 5. Just use to plan your journey.
  • Foshan West Railway Station (FoshanXi) has no metro linking as the line 3 and line 4 of Foshan metro network are still under construction.

2: Guangzhou – Foshan by Regular Train

Guangzhou – Foshan by regular trains
Trains From – To Frequency Duration Ticket Fares (CNY)
Soft Sleeper Hard Sleeper Hard Seat
K, Z trains Guangzhou – Foshan 14 23 10.5
K, Z trains Foshan – Guangzhou 14 23 10.5
For a live schedule, please refer to China Highlights or China DIY Travel (Promo code: ct123)

You can also get from Guangzhou to Foshan or vice verse by regular trains, which are useing Guangzhou Railway Station and Foshan Railway Station. The travel time is just 23 minutes.

Foshan Railway Station (Foshan) is the old train station in Shancheng District of Foshan City. The station has no metro linking but only can be accessed by a lot of public buses like bus 105, 106, G12, 100, etc.

How to Buy Tickets

You can buy tickets with passenger passports in person in any train stations in Guangzhou, including Guangzhou Station, Guangzhou East, or Foshan’s any train stations like Foshan West, Foshan Station, Shunde Station, etc. Just go to the one close to you with easy access. You cannot use the Chinese official ticketing site as it doesn’t have a English version site and it only accepts payment by Chinese bank card.

But if you don’t speak Chinese, you may use a trusted online ticket agent.

Book with a trusted online ticket agent

If you are outside China, and want to buy tickets in advance online, you can turn to use an online ticke agent. Below are two trusted ticket agents who get positive reviews and recommended often on Trip Advisor:

Guangzhou – Foshan by Metro

In addition to high speed train, you can also travel between Guangzhou and Foshan by subway, namely the Guangzhou – Foshan metro line (short for GuangFo Line). The Guangfo Metro or called Foshan metro line 1 is tran-city metro service linking Guangzhou and Foshan, opened in 2010 and is still developing. The Guangfo line extends from Lijiao Station in Guangzhou and ends at Xinchengdong Station in Shunde District of Foshan City. If you want to get from Guangzhou to Lecong Furniture Market in Foshan by metro, you can get off at Kuiqi Lu station (魁奇路站), from which you can transfer to Lecong Furniture Market by bus or a taxi.

Guangzhou – Foshan subway map – Guangfo Line

Guangzhou Foshan subway map
Guangzhou – Foshan metro line (Guangfo Line): Extending from Lijiao station in Guangzhou to Xincheng Dong Station in Foshan. You can get off at Kuiqi Lu Station for transfering to Lecong Furniture Market.
  • Guangfo Line (Guangzhou – Foshan metro line)

Guangzhou – Foshan Lecong Furniture Market

Apart from being the birth place of the Chinese Kungfu star Bruce Lee, Foshan is also widely known among foreigners as a good place for sourcing furniture. Lecong Furniture Market located in Lecong Town in Shunde District of Foshan is the best-known wholesale marketplace for furniture. If you want to get from Guangzhou to Foshan Lecong Furniture Market, you have the following options:

1. By metro & bus: Take Guangzhou-Foshan metro line to Kuiqi Lu station first, then get exit to take a bus or taxi to Lecong Furniture Market.

2. By bus: The nearest bus station to Lecong Furniture Market is Lecong Bus Station (2.5 km away), which has frequent bus service to or from Guangzhou South Railway Station, Guangzhou Fangcun Bus Station, Guangzhou Bus Station, Liuhua Bus Station and Guangzhou Jiaokou Bus Station.

3. By taxi: Foshan is not very far from Guangzhou, you can hire a taxi anywhere in Guangzhou to Foshan. But taxi fare will be a bit high.

Foshan to Guangzhou Baiyun Airport

By airport bus: There are frequent airport bus running between Foshan and Guangzhou Baiyun Airport.

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Trusted Online Ticket Agents:

Option 1: China Highlights is a reliable online agency  for China train ticketing. They get positive reviews on TripAdvisor & Trustpilot. Sharon and her team help you buy tickets & plan rail routes even deliver tickets to your hotels with a service fee.

Option 2:  is an internatioal brand owned by Ctrip Group, China's largest online travel booking platform. offers booking service for flight, train, hotel, activities, etc