Traveling between Jiuzhaigou & Leshan by Train


If you’re planning a trip from Leshan to the beautiful Jiuzhaigou Valley, it’s important to note that there are currently no direct high-speed trains from Leshan to Jiuzhaigou. However, with a bit of planning and some strategic transfers, you can still make the journey comfortably and efficiently.

Read moreChengdu to Jiuzhaigou train, Chengdu to Huanglong train

Railway Map

 Step 1: Leshan to Chengdu East Station

Your journey begins in Leshan. You’ll need to catch a high-speed train from Leshan to Chengdu East Station, a trip that typically takes about an hour. It’s advisable to start your journey early in the morning, as there are only three high-speed trains from Chengdu East to Zhenjiangguan each day. Also, be sure to allow at least 30 minutes for the transfer at Chengdu East Station.

 Step 2: Chengdu East Station to Zhenjiangguan

Once you arrive at Chengdu East Station, you can catch the next train to Zhenjiangguan. There are three daily high-speed trains from Chengdu East to Zhenjiangguan, with the journey taking between 1.5 to 2 hours. The C6376 train, departing at 10:30 AM, is the best choice. Be sure to plan your time accordingly.

Train Departure Time Departure Station Arrival Time Arrival Station Duration 2nd Class Fare 1st Class Fare
C6378 12:43 Zhenjiangguan 14:27 Chengdu East 1h44m $116 $185
C6354 18:08 Zhenjiangguan 19:52 Chengdu East 1h44m $106 $169
For a live schedule & ticket availability & refer to

 Step 3: Zhenjiangguan Station to Jiuzhaigou

Upon arrival at Zhenjiangguan Station, you can take a free shuttle bus to Songpan Songzhou Bus Station. From there, you can either take a bus or a taxi to Jiuzhaigou Long-Distance Bus Station, which is the gateway to the Jiuzhaigou Valley.

Chengdu to Zhenjiangguan (Huanglongjiuzhai Staton & Songpan Station are yet not open). You can only take a train from Chengdu to Zhenjiangguan first, then a bus to Songpan (Songzhou Bus Station), then a connected tourist bus or taxi to Jiuzhaigou Valley.
181 Hotels in Jiuzhaigou for foreign tourists.
Tour to Jiuzhaigou & Huanglong: 4-Day Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong National Park by Car from Chengdu Private Tour
Cheap flights from Chengdu to Jiuzhaigou, flights from Chengdu to Jiuzhaigou

Trusted Online Ticket Agents:

Option 1: China Highlights is a reliable online agency  for China train ticketing. They get positive reviews on TripAdvisor & Trustpilot. Sharon and her team help you buy tickets & plan rail routes even deliver tickets to your hotels with a service fee.

Option 2:  is an internatioal brand owned by Ctrip Group, China's largest online travel booking platform. offers booking service for flight, train, hotel, activities, etc