Guangzhou to Fenghuang by Train or Flight + Bus

How to Travel from Guangzhou to Fenghuang

There are no direct trains or flights linking Guangzhou with Fenghuang. Passengers who want to visit Fenghuang from Guangzhou need to make a transfer at Changsha, Zhangjaijie, Huaihua, or Jishou first, then take a bus to Fenghuang Ancient Town (Phoenix Town). Each route has different transport options.

The best route to travel from Guangzhou to Fenghuang are: 1. Take a high speed train from Guangzhou South to Huaihua South, then a bus to Fenghuang, or 2. Take a high speed train from Guangzhou South to Changsha South, then a bus to Fenghuang. You will find bus information at this page: How to get to Fenghuang.

  1. Guangzhou to Fenghuang via Changsha (Train or Flight + Bus)
  2. Guangzhou to Fenghuang via Zhangjiajie (Train or Flight + Bus)
  3. Guangzhou to Fenghuang via Huaihua (Fast or Slow Train + Bus)

How far: the distance between Guangzhou and Fenghuang is around 1180 km. Which Province: Guangzhou is in Guangdong Province, Fenghuang is in Hunan Province.

1. Guangzhou – Fenghuang via Changsha

You can travel from Guangzhou to Changsha by either train or flight first, then take a bus to Fenghuang. But taking a high speed train would be better, which is clean, mordern and comfortable. More importantly unlike flights, bullet train always run on time and more ofthen than flights. There are over 100 high speed trains running between Guangzhou & Fenghuang. So, I’d strongly recommend you to take the fast train.

Transport Options From – To Fares (CNY) Duration
1. Fly to Changsha, bus to Fenghuang Guangzhou to Changsha by plane Check Airfare: from 400 1h20mins
Changsha to Fenghuang by bus Bus Fare to Fenghuang: 147 5 – 6hrs
2. Guangzhou to Changsha by fast train, bus to Fenghuang Guangzhou South to Changsha South Check ticket fare: from 314 2h55mins
Changsha to Fenghuang by bus Bus Fare to Fenghuang:147 5 – 6hrs

1.1 Guangzhou – Changsha by Train, Bus to Fenghuang

The high speed train departs from Guangzhou South Railway Station and stop at Changsha South Railway Station. The rail journey time is about 2hrs20mins – 2hrs50mins, and the ticket far is CNY314 for a 2nd class seat. After arriving at Changsha, you can choose to stay in Changsha for a night or continue your travel to Fenghuang by bus. The buses from Changsha to Fenghuang are using Changsha West Bus Station or Changsha South Bus Station.

High Speed Trains

Guangzhou – Changsha trains (over 100 high speed trains and 40 slow trains daily)
Stations Train Type Frequecy Duration Ticket Fares (CNY)
1st Cls 2nd Cls Biz Cls
Guangzhou South – Changsha South (recommended) G, D trains (high speed) 100+ daily 2h20m – 2h50m 504 314 995
For a live schedule, ticket availability, please refer to

Changsha – Fenghuang by Bus

You can take a bus to Fenghuang at eighter Changsha West Bus Station or Changsha South Bus Station, Changsha Changzhutan Station. Read the page bus stations in Changsha.

The bus schedule, ticket fares and travel time are subject to changes.
From To Depart Fares (CNY) Duration
Changsha West Bus Station Fenghuang 09:00,10:50,14:20,17:20 145 5.5hrs
Changsha South Bus Station Fenghuang 09:00,15:40 134
Changsha Changzhutan Bus Station Fenghuang 07:30,10:00,14:50,16:50 158 6hrs

2. Guangzhou – Fenghuang via Zhangjiajie

This route also allows you to visit Zhangjiajie while on the way to Fenghuang. As there are no high speed trains running between Guangzhou and Zhangjiajie, You can eigther travel by K or T type train from Guangzhou Railway Station to Zhangjiajie Railway Station first, then take a bus from Zhangjiajie Bus Station or Wulingyuan Bus Station to Fenghuang.

Transport Options From – To Fares (CNY) Duration
1. Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie by flight, bus to Fenghuang Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie by air Check Airfare: from 630 1h45mins
Zhangjiajie to Fenghuang by bus Bus Fare to Fenghuang:80 4hrs
2. Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie by train, bus to Fenghuang Guangzhou Station to Zhangjiajie Check ticket fare: from 295.5/hard sleeper 13.5 – 17hrs
Zhangjiajie to Fenghuang bys bus Bus Fare to Fenghuang:80 4hrs

2.1 Guangzhou – Zhangjiajie by Train, Bus to Fenghuang

Guangzhou – Zhangjiajie trains
Stations Train Type Frequecy Duration Ticket Fares (CNY)
Hard Seat Hard Sleeper Soft Sleeper
Guangzhou Station – Zhangjiajie K, T trains (slow train) 3 daily 13h20m – 17h50m 172.5 295.5 463.5
For a live schedule, ticket availability, please refer to

2.2 Guangzhou – Zhangjiajie by Flight, Bus to Fenghuang

Non-stop flight from Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie
Flight No. Dep Airport & Times Arr Airport & Times Travel Time Airfare Note
 CZ3227 Guangzhou Baiyun 11:40 13:20 Zhangjiajie Hehua 1h40m from 860 Airfares are dynamic
 CZ3381 Guangzhou Baiyun 22:20 00:05 Zhangjiajie Hehua 1h45m from 440
MU3176 Guangzhou Baiyun 22:20 00:05 Zhangjiajie Hehua 1h45m from 440
Check live airfare at Ctrip for flights from Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie

3. Guangzhou – Fenghuang via Huaihua

3.1 Guangzhou – Huaihua by High Speed Train or Slow Train, Bus to Fenghuang

Guangzhou – Huaihua by Trains

Guangzhou – Huaihua trains
Stations Train Type Frequecy Duration Ticket Fares (CNY)
1st Cls 2nd Cls Biz Cls
Guangzhou South – Huaihua South G train (high speed) 5 daily 4h30m – 5h 760 467.5 1476.5
Guangzhou Station – Huaihua Station K train (slow train) 13 daily 12 – 20h 156.5 hd 268.5 hs 422.5 ss
Guangzhou East – Huaihua T train 1 daily
For a live schedule, ticket availability, please refer to

Huaihua to Fenghuang by Bus

Trusted Online Ticket Agents:

Option 1: China Highlights is a reliable online agency  for China train ticketing. They get positive reviews on TripAdvisor & Trustpilot. Sharon and her team help you buy tickets & plan rail routes even deliver tickets to your hotels with a service fee.

Option 2:  is an internatioal brand owned by Ctrip Group, China's largest online travel booking platform. offers booking service for flight, train, hotel, activities, etc

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