Shanghai Hongqiao – Xian North by Bullet Train

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What are the Best Way to Travel between Shanghai & Xi’an?

Currently, you have two kind of options to travel from Shanghai to Xi’an (in Shaanxi Province)or Xi’an to Shanghai: fly or by train. Since Xian is very far from Shanghai, flight can be the fastest option, which takes about 2h55 using Shanghai Hongqiao Airport or Pudong Airport in Shanghai & Xianyang Airport in Xian. While, train is also a good option, which are fairly cheap and efficient. You can ride a high speed train or a sleeper train.

How far is Shanghai from Xian: the distance is 1510 kilometers.

Train VS Plane, Which is the Best Way

SH to XA Options Price Duration Note
By plane Dynamic 2h55 Check live airfare at (English Ctrip)
By high speed train 669.5 6-7.5h Buy at China Highlights or China DIY Travel (Promo code “ct123“)
By high speed sleeper 800 11h07 D-class sleeper train
By slow sleeper train 310.5 15-20h

Travel between Shanghai & Xi’an by Train

To travel between Shanghai and Xian by train, you have there options: by high speed trains or overnight trains.

Shanghai – Xian High Speed Railway Map

To be added soon.

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1. Shanghai – Xian by High Speed Train

There are 9 daily G-class high speed trains running from Shanghai to Xian or vice verse, taking around 6-7.5 hours and costing from CNY669.5 in a second class seat. The bullet trains are using Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station and Xian North Station.

Schedule, Ticket Price & Duration

Shanghai Hongqiao – Xian North by Bullet Train
Trains From – To Frequency Duration Ticket Fares (CNY)
1st Cls 2nd Cls Biz Cls
G trains Shanghai Hongqiao to Xian North 9 6-7.5h 1095 669.5 2114
G trains Xian North to Shanghai Hongqiao 9 6-7.5h 1095 669.5 2114
For a live schedule & ticket availability, please refer to

Train Stations

Shanghai Hongqiao Station

Xian North Station

  • Station name: Xian North (Xianbei, 西安北站)
  • Location: Weiyang District, Xian (Google Map)
  • Getting there: at Bei Kezhan (North Railway Station) on metro line 2 & line 4 (under construction)

2. Hong Kong – Xian by Sleeper Train (high speed)

In addition to the G-class high speed train, you can also consider taking the D-class high speed sleeper train, which offers soft sleeper and second class seat, leaving at night and arriving in next morning. The D-class high speed sleeper train run once a day.

From Shanghai to Xian: G306 leaves from the centrally-located Shanghai Railway Station once daily at 22:05 and arrives at Xi’an North Station at 10:02 the following day, taking 11h07. A soft sleeper costs CNY800.

From Xian to Shanghai: G308 travels once daily from Xian North Station at 19:44 and reaches Shanghai Railway Station at 06:26, taking 10h42. Ticket price is CNY800 in a soft sleeper.

Timetable, Ticket Fares & Travel Time

Shanghai – Xian North by Sleeper Train
Trains From – To Frequency Duration Ticket Fares (CNY)
1st Cls 2nd Cls Soft Sleeper
G306 Shanghai to Xian North 1 11h07 459 800
G308 Xian North to Shanghai 1 10h42 459 800
For a live schedule & ticket availability, please refer to

Shanghai – Huashan – Xian by High Speed Train

It is possible to plan your rail travel route to cover all Shanghai, Huashan and Xian as there are high speed trains linking Shanghai Hongqiao, Huashan North (HuashanBei)and Xian North.

Departure from Shanghai (Shanghai Hongqiao – Huashan North – Xian North): Take one of the 3 daily G-class high speed trains from Shanghai Hongqiao to Huashan North, taking 6.5 hours. After exploring Huashan, connect to a high speed train to Xian North, taking 45 minutes.

Departure from Xian (Xian North – Huashan North – Shanghai Hongqiao): Just get onboard one of the numerous high speed trains from Xian North to Huashan North. After that, get your next train to Shanghai Hongqiao.

Train Stations

Shanghai Railway Station

Xian North Station

  • Station name: Xian North (Xianbei, 西安北站)
  • Location: Weiyang District, Xian (Google Map)
  • Getting there: at Bei Kezhan (North Railway Station) on metro line 3 & line 4 (under construction)

How to Buy Train Tickets

When to Buy Tickets

If you buy tickets at train stations, the tickets go on sale 28 days before travel date. If you book tickets online, the tickets start to sell 30 days in advance.

Where to Buy Tickets

You can buy them at train station, at the official booking site or use a trusted ticket agent.

In Shanghai: You can buy tickets with your passports at ticket windows in any train stations in Shanghai, including the central Shanghai Railway Station, Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, Shanghai West or Shanghai South, etc. Pick the one close to you with easy access.

In Xi’an: You can buy tickets at Xian North, or Xian Railway Station, etc.

At This is not a practical option as the doesn’t has a English version and it only accepts Chinese bank card.

Buy online with a trusted ticket agent

If you are outside China, and want to buy tickets in advance online, you can turn to use an online ticke agent. Below are two trusted ticket agents who get positive reviews and recommended often on Trip Advisor:

More Train Routes

Shanghai to Hong Kong, Xian to Hong Kong, Shanghai to Hangzhou, Xian to Chengdu

Trusted Online Ticket Agents:

Option 1: China Highlights is a reliable online agency  for China train ticketing. They get positive reviews on TripAdvisor & Trustpilot. Sharon and her team help you buy tickets & plan rail routes even deliver tickets to your hotels with a service fee.

Option 2:  is an internatioal brand owned by Ctrip Group, China's largest online travel booking platform. offers booking service for flight, train, hotel, activities, etc